Sunday, October 19, 2014

Don't Waste Your Precious Time Reading This Drivel....

OK, fine, the above photo makes no real sense, granted. But, hey, it is a shot from Frankfurt, Germany, so there's that about it. I hope to go to Germany someday. I always told myself I'd learn to speak German. Because, hey, why not, right? Just think! If I learned German, I could understand what Rammstein was saying! And that would look good on my acting resume!

So, yeah, I updated my bloggy about three days ago, which was not long ago, considering my update schedule for the past year or so. Usually, if I update within two weeks, I'm doing good. Well, I was sitting here, eating blue corn chips and my wife's hummus (won't she be pleased to see it half-gone tomorrow! Muahahahaha!!!), and I thought, "why the heck not"?

See, that "heck" is important. For those of you that pay attention, the blunt insertion of a "heck" into a "why not?" statement like that should be a clear indicator of the type of mood I'm steeping in as I sit here, writing this... it can only mean one thing... fun things are about to happen here!


Or are they? Dun dun duunnnnn!

I am, as they say, "making this up as I go".....

An esoteric comic with obscure comedic elements? Yes, please!

So, I'm reading a book called "Thief's Magic" by Trudi Canavan, which has a very interesting -- dare I say "delicious" -- premise, involving a book that is "alive" that one can interact with. But it's a little ham-fisted. Gosh ding dangit, I want to believe there are female fantasy authors out there that can hang with the best of the men, and I *really* want Miss Canavan to be one of them... but there are missteps all over the place, and weak choices aplenty... but I'm persevering, since it is well-written enough to warrant it... but I want to like it so very badly.

As of this point, Robin Hobb is the only female authoress I can comfortably include in the Best of the Best... Her "Mad Ships Trilogy" is incredibly good, and I highly recommend it. I know comparably-good female authors are out there, somewhere. I will keep looking. I will find them.

And now, Jimmy Stewart on Carson...

Yeah, most of you won't truly appreciate that interview... but those few of you who do appreciate it? You're my favorite.

Although I tried watching Mr. Smith Goes To Washington recently... *shudder*... man, it's supposed to be a classic. The script is a mess. The acting subpar. The editing so slipshod, I was borderline amazed. "You're in a deuce of a pickle, aren't ya pop!?" Man, what a pantload. 1939, sure... but, man, I expected better.... "Prattle? You're all wet, pop!"

Seriously... when was the last time you watched that film? Never, you say? Well, good on ya.

So, I don't know....

Yeah, I could ramble about random nonsense, subjecting you to a raft of skim-worthy hot air about barley-interesting tidbits, or I could call this weak attempt at an update finished and spare you the incessant tedium.

Gee, flip a coin...

Yeah, let me find one more Funny Photo and call this one finished....

Yeah, that's fitting... a fizzle to end on... no one will get it, which is fine...

Adios for now,

Dave the Bleh

1 comment:

Jon R. said...

Giving C.S. Friedman and N.K. Jemisin a try as soon as I slog through the end of Richard Morgan's The Steel Remains. Probably won't pick up the second book of that trilogy.